Bags of Ideas

Promotional Bags News

Read all about the latest promotional bag news from around the world brought to you from Bags of Ideas.

beer festival

Great British Beer Festival

Great British Beer Festival Posted on August 29, 2016 at 2:30 PM We recently published a blog on the benefits of promotional bags for conferences, exhibitions, festivals and trade shows. This can be found here: LINK. Next we thought, as it’s the summer, and the sun is trying to come out, let’s focus on a particular event, to give real insight into the marketing strengths of bags which should be adaptable to your event too. I give you the Great British Beer Festival. Below we will discuss the best bags for your bottles and why, to ensure that you can make the most of event down at Olympia this August, and keep you customers refreshed throughout the summer. What is the GBBF Well, as the name says, it’s a beer festival – but not just any beer festival – it’s the biggest event of its kind in Britain, with a staggering 900 beers, ciders and perries on display to try and buy. Over the five days, from August 9-13th, over 60,000 parched punters will walk through the doors, ready to taste some of the best beer the world has to offer. And if the breweries play it right, they should be stumbling out with their hands full of goodies to take home too. So, with 60,000 people walking through the door, you don’t just have the opportunity to impress with your beer, but make a mark with your brand. And we are going to show you how, by picking the right bags. At the GBBF branding is clearly important, as the organisers themselves had over 100,000 glasses printed up with the GBBF design on. Sampling the beers requires a glass, and the first thing most visitors do on arrival is to buy the latest version. The cost of the glass is refundable, if you leave it behind when you stagger home. Most people however keep it. Why? Something to take home from the day, a memento, a reminder of the fun they had, and ultimately something to help to bring them back for another year. Which Bag? Now, to understand the philosophy, you must understand the event, and its two sides. First, it is an all-ticket ticket event – the punters are paying. This also means you have an organiser. Second it is an event based around a purchase. Organiser Let’s focus on the event organisers first – they have their brand to uphold – the Great British Beer Festival. We’ve already touched on the use of the glasses. On top of this, there is great opportunity to introduce a bag as a free giveaway that will be practical but also allow the word of the festival to spread far and wide. A cotton shopper would be an ideal bag to use, which you offer to customers upon entry – within this bag there are details of the festival; a floor plan, a programme, a music list, maybe some additional advertising material from third parties to cover the costs of the bag itself. Plus, the GBBF logo plastered on each side as big as you can get. Like the glass, this will be kept as a souvenir for the day, but unlike the glass, this bag will prevail in spreading the word; on the day, as people leave the venue, high spirited, which is quite possibly the best type of advertisement, and beyond, tomorrow’s hung-over trip to the supermarket and Monday’s trip to the gym. The bag can be used as a great tool to push the festival to the next level. Exhibitors What about inside the event – when the attendees are already inside – the event has already been sold to them at this point – what’s next? Now its over to the exhibitors themselves. The event has to be profitable for them, so they need to consider their choice of bag carefully, which means they must consider the cost of the goods they are selling too. Now – had this been a technology convention, and exhibitors were selling laptops, or tablets, spending £2- £10 per bag to present the product in may be fine, as the margins are there to cover the costs. But with the average price of a bottle of beer to be taken away for later consumption and delectation being around £3-10, bags should be cost effective. Perhaps you need a tier strategy based on the customer expenditure. Tier 1: If someone buys one or two bottles, with a total value under £10, a carrier bag is given – the most cost effective option. These can be picked up for a few pence, and will do the required job on the day – advertise your brand, and ensure the customer has something to hold their recently purchased brew in. Have a look through our selection of carrier bags here where you will see they can be picked up from as little as 7pence each. Tier 2: if the amount spend is a few extra quid – £20+ lets say – why not provide them with firstly a more suitable bag to carry the beers, and secondly something a little nicer to show your gratitude. It won’t go unnoticed. For example, the jute shopper bag below can hold six bottles of wine/large beers, and has dividers. This would also have great use outside of the show itself, ideal for trips to the supermarket to do the big shop, and having your beer logo on each side, it’s the perfect place to advertise – the alcohol isle. Tier 3: This could be when someone buy a singular beer/cider or perry that is particularly expensive on its own – a “limited edition” brew, etc. – and this could be presented in its own individual bag, like one of the below, to show its prestige. This may not get the same after-use, but will have the impact required on the customer who purchased the product, adding that touch of luxury to the brand. Tier 4: Now this tier may be when a customer

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Conferences and Exhibitions

Conferences and Exhibitions

Conferences and Exhibitions Posted on July 11, 2016 at 12:30 PM About a year ago, Bags of Ideas looked Exhibitions and Trade shows. You can find the original blog at Exhibitions and Tradeshows.  However, reading it back, we realized there’s so much more to tell you about in terms of getting your bag choice right on the big day. So, here is the all new definitive guide to exhibitions, conferences and tradeshows. We aim to show you what the best bags are – depending on your budget – the benefits to using bags at events, and how they can continue to push your brand long after the day has finished. Choosing the Right Bag Get it wrong, and it’s a wasted marketing opportunity. Get it right, and you will reap the benefits long after the lights have dimmed and stands have been packed up. First, think about the type of event you are going to be exhibiting at. Each of the suggestions below has it’s own special requirements. For example, a small paper bag at a University Fair will not be much use with the bulky, heavyweight prospectuses that they will be expected to carry: Conference Trade Show/Exhibition Festival University/Career Fair Further than this you should also consider the following factors when looking at the bags. If you can nail both lists before making a decision, you‘ll be on the right track. How many people are expected to visit? How many people are exhibiting? How long is the event? How much literature you have (and possibly others)? Will people be walking, or sitting? How large is the venue? What’s the theme of the day (Eco, IT etc.)? What’s your budget? Now you can start thinking which bag will help you get the most out of your event or perhaps even run through some scenarios. Conferences There are two definitions of the term conference within our context. 1 A formal meeting of people with a shared interest, typically one that takes place over several days 2 A commercial association for the regulation of an area of activity or the exchange of information Just look at this picture of a typical commercial conference to see immediately some factors to consider … There is limited space, Everyone is sitting down, and Everyone is taking notes. People going to conferences are likely to have a bag when they arrive to carry notebooks, laptops and other personal items, so depending on the amount of literature you are giving away, it’s best to keep your giveaway bag to a minimum size; a document wallet would be an ideal solution from our section Conference & Document with any of the below being suitable: On the other hand, sometimes people are paying to be at a conference, and may have travelled from afar to be there. In this case, your promotional bag could be something a little more special. For example, a lecture on ICT – for which the audience have paid to see – might be the perfect place to offer a nice Laptop Bag. It will still hold all the leaflets and brochures but its use would continue long after the event, acting as a memento of their participation. WAll of these can be offered as branded conference giveaways at reasonable unit cost which you can be certain will be retained by the receiver. It’s even worth considering a notebook within the bag to at such conferences, which can be supplied within the bag itself, and used to record the important information from the day. Have a look at our notebooks section here. Tradeshows/ Exhibition The dynamics of trade shows are very different to conferences. They normally consist of a large space, divided into stands, with a variety of different business trying to sell or promote their ideas or products. With trade shows, especially product-based ones rather than services, your choice of bag should be dictated by practicality. Every stand will be trying to give visitors something to remember them by. So they will obviously need a big bag to carry all their booty, be it catalogues, flyers, other promotional items or samples. For this reason, the bag also needs to be heavy duty with strong handles and durable construction. So, while a paper bag might not be quite what you are looking for, a large canvas bag, or woven bag with a gusset would be ideal. Also think about user comfort; a bag with dual handles will allow them to alternate between using shoulders and hands to carry it. It’s also worth pointing out that at any of these EVERYONE will be giving out bags. Simply put, the biggest and strongest bag will win because it will be the bag that everybody puts their smaller bags inside. The aim should be to ensure your branded carrier is the must-have bag because it will be the one that gets the most visibility on the day. Festivals Festivals are another matter: festival-goers are not usually there to buy things, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t marketing opportunities. It all depends on the context. Take for example, the Great British Beer Festival – held every August. The GBBF is not so much a festival as a trade show albeit with a party atmosphere. In contrast, as a music festival organiser you’ll most likely be giving away a pack to everyone who enters with some event essentials: Sun cream, baby wipes, event programme, sunglasses, etc. Provided in the correct bag, this could be a great advertising tool, not only throughout the event but afterwards. Here too the choice of bag is important. At festivals, the last thing most people want to do is carry a bag by hand – therefore the best option would be a rucksack of sort, either a drawstring, or small backpack. University/Career Fairs Like the GBBF these almost always resemble a trade show, the big difference is that you can guarantee everyone there will have hefty prospectuses or company brochures and that there will be a lot of

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jute bags

Hey Jute. You’ve got it in the bag

Hey Jute. You’ve got it in the bag Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 2:30 PM Early 2015 at Bags of Ideas we did a post on Jute as a material, why it was eco friendly, and made some suggestions as to what jute bags you may choose.  But other than quoting Jute’s green-credentials, we didn’t give a huge range of detail as to why and when you could use it as a promotional tool, and what benefits it offered over other materials such as cotton, paper and canvas. So let’s start with the main use in the UK of Jute bags today – the “Bag for Life”. Jute is a really great material for this role. Not only is it strong and hard wearing, its hessian-style look adds to the “eco” image associated with a Bag for Life. If you want your brand to clearly shout “environmentally conscious” – jute is the way forward. There are also Fair Trade options. With England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland now having one form of bag tax or another, there’s huge demand for a range of ethical, environmentally-sustainable carrier bag alternatives. Generally speaking, cotton bags are a more cost effective option, but Jute is hard to bead for longevity. Strength Compared to cotton, jute is simply much stronger, whether it’s for day-to-day usage, or extreme circumstance – like getting caught on sharp edges – jute always comes out on top. It’s much more robust and will withstand the daily battering a Bag for Life will inevitably be receiving as it gets thrown around, packed into car boots, pulled from cupboards or put under wholesale stress and strain. It’s also readily able to hold items such as tins and bottles with a high item weight, and in quantity. Practicality When using bags as a marketing tool you have to consider practicality; in other words, is the bag easy to use? This may seem like a silly statement, as surely a bag is a bag. However, you may be surprised. One practical element of a Jute bag that sets it head and shoulders above the rest is the rigidity; the ability to stand up on its own. A jute bag can stand up, so when loading shopping at a supermarket, it’s a doddle. And equally, when not in use, it can be rolled up or folded to take up a minimum of space, unlike cardboard or plastic boxes. It also retains its shape even in hot conditions. Style For the fashion conscious, jute is also a great option. Its rustic appearance, whether as a shopper, like the simba shopper here, or as a shoulder satchel, like the Soko, looks great. Added with the fact being eco-friendly is now also trendy, jute offers affordable and attractive bags for promotional and retail purposes, which massively increases perceived value and longevity. Showing your Brand Now let’s look at some of the myths around Jute, the main one being that because course-feel makes it hard to print, it is a poor solution for a branded promotional bag. There is some element of truth in this; any fibrous, course material will more difficult to print on than a soft, smooth surface, but it’s far from impossible making it is a versatile product with great scope for branding potential. Screen-printing on Jute is not an issue. Though a naturally course material, with items such as bags there is a focus on cleaning up the edges so that they print well. In addition, most Jute bags will have a clear laminated surface on one side (the inside), which firstly adds a level of water resistance, but also allows the ink to better hold to the surface of the bag, making printing easier. If you want intricate detail, screen-printing may not be the solution. Though a screen print will hold well, with the light weave, detail will not show well. But there is a solution: Transfer printing! This works quite well on jute bags, and offers a long lasting solution if you need a full colour image; despite the course and fibrous nature of the surface, as the transfer is sealed by heat, not just a sticky surface, the adhesion is great, and will last. Juco If you are not a fan of transfer printing though, all is not los; Juco – a combination of cotton and jute – may be the answer. Juco’s manufacture offers the best of both materials, retaining the strength, durability and practicality of Jute, with a finish more like cotton, allowing for more detailed direct printing. As you might expect, it is more expensive than plain Jute, but that is more than made up for by the additional flexibility if required for branding. So if you are in need of an eco-friendly, durable alternative to the traditional plastic bag, a jute Bag for Life may well be your answer; a jute shopper is bound to make a strong lasting impression on any target audience as a promotional marketing tool. Can’t find the bag you’re looking for? Try our Bag Finder and narrow your search in minutes! TRY BAG FINDER

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The England Bag Tax: 6 Months On

The England Bag Tax: 6 Months On

The England Bag Tax: 6 Months On Posted on May 9th, 2016 at 3:30 PM More than 6 months ago, at Bags of Ideas we looked at the newly-instated Carrier bag tax in England in our blog: The 5p Plastic Bag Charge & How Your Business Can Benefit. At the time of writing the English bag tax was in its infancy – but now, half a year down the line, we thought we would take a look at how the tax is working, and if there really are opportunities to take advantage of in terms of your promotional marketing strategy. In 2014, British supermarkets alone gave 8.5 billion plastic throwaway carrier bags to their customers. It’s figures like this that led to the bag tax, in order to reduce this unnecessary consumption, and the burying of all that plastic in landfill sites. How long it takes plastic bags to degrade is debatable, mainly due to the fact that they’ve only been around for about 50 years; however, scientists are divided on timescales, with estimates ranging from 25 years to 500 years. Considering all of this, the obvious fact is that none of it is necessary anyway. Bags can be recycled easily. Some UK councils even collect them straight from the doorstep. If plastic bags were widely recycled, it would reduce the damage caused to the environment – including a build-up of indestructible plastic waste in rivers and seas, and reduce the usage of oil, the finite fossil fuel from which almost all plastic bags are made. Sadly, worldwide, it is estimated that only around 5% of these bags are recycled. Scary statistics like this led to the bag tax, in a bid to reduce unnecessary consumption and waste. Actually, England was very much a latecomer to the party; Wales and Scotland had both already adopted a version of the bag tax along with many other countries around the world, and to great effect; with a fourfold increase in the sales of so-called “Bags for Life” and an estimated 80% reduction in the use of disposable plastic carrier bags, it was an obvious step to take. So has the Bag Tax been a success? Well in short, yes! It’s done exactly what was intended, and that’s to reduce the number of plastic bags consumers are using, and move them over to more eco-friendly solutions, such as Cotton and Canvas or Non-woven Bags for Life. Tesco claim that the number of bags they dish out has dropped by around 78% since the introduction of the tax, and, the sale of reusable bags had soared. “What does this mean for us promotional marketers” you say. Well, it’s time to start reacting to the demand, because there is a huge opportunity to get even more out of an already massively beneficial advertising tool. With consumers being forced to “pay-or-change”, the visibility of your promotional bag can grow exponentially. What may have left the house once a month – if they remembered to pack it – will now be an essential item for any trip to the supermarket, where it will be in-sight to potentially hundreds of people per trip. So, whether your business is in retail or not, every consumer now needs a good Bag for Life in the UK, and not just one. This means that the next event you do, if you offer a bag as a give away, there should be some careful consideration as to which one you choose; not only should it meet your requirements on the day of your event, but it should also be an ideal bag for that individual to do their shopping with the day after. Now consumers must pay for their carriers, there’s even more resilience to that bag having a logo plastered all over it. To put simply, why should the customer pay to advertise the shops brand? This adds even more value to a promotional shopping bag than ever before, as customers are usually happy to advertise something they have received for free. Now isn’t the time to scrimp on a below-par promo bag, as the chances are it will simply go in the bin. As a marketer, you should be considering the best offering within your budget. A solid cotton or canvas bag, or a robust jute bag, with solid handles, that can take the heaviest of shopping loads when your target market does the weekly “big shop”. It’s also an added bonus if the bag please’s the fashion conscious because they could be using it on a daily basis! Think practically; a bag with a gusset, such as the market shopper will be more beneficial to a consumer than a bag without, as it will offer more space for those bulky shopping items. A bag with a short handle will be better too for a shopping trip than a shoulder bag, something like the Funo Shopper Bag would be ideal! As a promotional marketing tool, there’s never been a better time to look at bags. The demand for them across the UK and Europe has never been bigger. The cost per impression can only get more attractive; this year we have a tax on plastic bags – next year there is talk of a total ban, thus demand for reusable bags can only increase. And if you get it right, not only will you be offering a practical product to your consumers, also you will project a solid company image, high lighting a green approach to marketing. Can’t find the bag you’re looking for? Try our Bag Finder and narrow your search in minutes! TRY BAG FINDER

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cotton canvas

Cotton and Canvas: Don’t weave now, I’ve Cotton idea!

Cotton and Canvas: Don’t weave now, I’ve Cotton idea! Posted on April 11, 2016 at 12:30 PM At Bags of Ideas, our biggest selling promotional items by a long shot come from our Cotton and Canvas range. People love them! However I regularly get asked: “What is the difference between Cotton and Canvas”. My usual answer refers to the weight of the material – but actually there’s more to it than that. So prepare to be wowed as I weave my way through the finer details of Cotton and Canvas bags! The confusion starts with one simple fact: a Canvas bag is made from cotton, though not a lot of people know that. Cotton is a classic yet comparatively cheap material for promotional items. It’s organic, natural and durable, and sourced by us from ethical, fair-trade and eco-friendly suppliers. It’s popular with women users and a favourite with young and old. But the real difference lies in the way the material is constructed – its weave. This blog aims to detail the different types of weave, so that when you come to order a Cotton bag – you know exactly what you need! Calico Cotton – as used in our most popular product the 5oz shopper bag – is known as Calico. This is closely (but lightly) woven – meaning it doesn’t stretch but will let light through – unbleached cotton. It has natural character with random specks of colour throughout, as seen in the close-up below. The material has a low level of transparency – meaning the contents of any bag will be slightly visible. For example, the shape and colour of a product will be apparent. And please note: Calico is definitely not waterproof! Nevertheless, it’s a great option for a promotional tote or duffel bag, being strong, hard wearing and cost effective in any quantity. At Bags of Ideas, printed classic shopper bags start at less than 57p per unit (plus VAT)! Added to that, the bag surface is perfect for printing, be it screen, transfer or digital full colour designs – good quality detail can be achieved, even photos, and the material absorbs inks well, allowing for long-lasting brand awareness, simply add your logo. Cotton Calico also lends itself to colour dying without too much added cost; a huge selection of hues are available “off-the-shelf” so you will find one that compliments your brand image without breaking the bank. Canvas Canvas by definition is a strong, unbleached, course material, and though it does not have to be made from Cotton to be Canvas, in the promo business, when we refer to a Canvas bag, Cotton Canvas is assumed What differentiates between Cotton Calico and Cotton Canvas is the structure of the material. Canvas – what many would call Heavy Cotton – features a tight weave, as can be seen below.  A bag like this one constructed in 10oz material is a great example of a standard Canvas tote. The weave of Canvas, unlike Calico, renders it opaque so the contents of a bag are hidden from view. Natural Canvas has similarities in look to Calico, including those random speckles, but its weave makes it is a lot stronger – meaning it is perfectly suited to large shopping or ready-for-anything kit bags for school or the gym. As with Calico, Canvas is not naturally waterproof but it can be treated to become so because its weave is tight enough to hold on to a sealant material. Generally, however, promotional bags are sold untreated. The tighter weave also means more Cotton is used in production so a Canvas bag will be more expensive and heavier, though of course, you are getting more bag for your buck! Heavy Canvas is a great option for a “Bag for Life”, and with the UK Bag Tax introduced in 2015, there is great opportunity to market your business with a robust, long-lasting Canvas shopper. Drill Cotton The final option we look at today is Cotton Drill. While similar to Canvas in the sense that it has a tight weave, the pattern created is much more attractive. This twill weave – as featured below – with its attractive ridges, adds a lovely texture to the material and is similar in finish to denim. We generally do not routinely stock Drill Cotton promotional bags since they are made from quite a specific quality material, which makes them more expensive than the Canvas or Calico. For this reason, Drill Cotton is generally used only for a high status bespoke item. Our custom dust bags – designed as a protective cover for quality items like handbags, shoes and jewellery – are a perfect example of the correct use of Drill Cotton. With luxury, prestige items, available from high-end retailers and outlets, having a classy-looking branded promotional bag to compliment is quite important, and maintains commercial presence every time the treasured item is taken out of the wardrobe. Drill Cotton is also used in a variety of other products such as clothing, home furnishings and aprons, and there is a huge variety of colour ways already available. That means there is a good chance of finding a match for any corporate colour, rather than having to dye the material for a project, which can be costly. Now you’re cottoned on As a rule of thumb, if you’re looking for a value shopper bag, Calico is your choice, for a mid-range offering, use Canvas and, if you are going bespoke, or want something more luxurious, consider Drill Cotton. If you are unsure about anything we have discussed or would just like some advice in choosing a promotional Cotton bag, the friendly team at Bags of Ideas is always here to help, so please feel free to contact us.

Cotton and Canvas: Don’t weave now, I’ve Cotton idea! Read More »


Alternatives to printing promotional bags

Alternatives to printing promotional bags Posted on March 22, 2016 at 12:30 PM Following on from our last blog (which was a long one!) where we focused on the different printing methods, I promised I would follow up with information on alternative branding methods. Printing may not always be right thing to do – be it personal preference or product limitations. This blog will look at two further options , when to use them, and what their limitations are. Engraving Certainly not really something that you’d think was appropriate for bags. It’s more often used on metal pens, or glassware and awards but the opportunities might surprise you. The Method Similar to direct-to-garment, laser engraving is computerised. The artwork is set up one the computer, the product placed in the jig, and the machine does the rest. It’s a fairly straightforward method, and depending on the complexity and size of the logo, it can be very quick. And because, the process is computerized the standard of work and quality control is excellent. The video below gives you an idea of the process and while features a pen – not a bag – the principal is very similar. Why Engraving It’s simply a great alternative to printing if you are looking for something a little different. And even with promotional bags there are opportunities to engrave products you may not have known about. Engraving’s one big advantage of course is i great advantage to engraving is that it lasts – there is no ink involved, no transfer – it is simply a mark made on the product that cannot be scratched off, or fade. No other method offers such longevity. While printing a large logo can sometimes look a little over the top, engraving often provides a more subtle, understated finish. For example, a top of the range laptop bag used by your sales team on a daily basis; an engraving on a metal tag or plate will give a more professional look when meeting clients than a full colour transfer. And engraving also is not limited to metal . Laser engraving means you can decorate fabrics such as fleece, cotton, felt, leather and jute to give a unique effect. Essentially the laser “burns” the fabric in a precise way to create a darkened patch which forms the design or logo – see the picture and video below for reference. Unlike printing, laser engraving allows for very detailed designs to be created in the smallest of spaces. One small discrete metal emblem could stylishly show off your logo, without the risk of ink filling. This also means you can subtlety place your logo on additional areas, such as a zip, or a button, where it’s impossible to print the simplest design. Engraving also doesn’t have to be colourless; we can colour fill etchings with Pantone to your specification – giving the best of both worlds. Have a look at the image below to get an understanding: Smaller quantities and pre-production samples (PPS) can be done much more quickly and cost effectively since setup costs are not generally charged for engraving and the process is not as time consuming as a screen print. One possible drawback to engraving on metal is not knowing what is underneath the surface For example, you might have a silver tag which, when engraved, reveals a possibly unattractive brassy tone below. In some cases this might be undesirable, so you should be aware. Always get a PPS prior to bulk production. There are also variations in the finish from machine to machine; some lasers react differently with the surface of the metals, which can create different coloured engravings, from subtle grey, to black. So again, always get a sample so you can see the result before you commit to bulk production. r a halogen light. The heat of the halogen hardens the emulsion, and burns the logo. The screen is then washed to reveal the logo – this part of the film has become thin enough to allow the ink to pass through. Now you are good to go – the screens are placed in the machine, colours mixed, and the printing can begin. The logo is printed by using a squeegee; this runs along the screen, pushing the ink through then onto the bag underneath. Finally, you are of course limited by the bag itself: some designs come with metal plates ready for engraving, but paper gift bags and plastic bags are not an option at all. Some fabrics may also be too light to laser engrave, including the eco friendly 5oz cotton totes, as the material may burn through. Embroidery Embroidery is a great option for promotional bag branding, and can really add a touch of class and professionalism to your campaign. The Method Embroidery, similar to engraving and DTG requires digital setup, and quite a complicated one too. The process – called digitization – turns your logo into a format that the embroidery machine can understand, and the design is created stitch by stitch. The images below show how a digitized logo compares to the original logo, and the finished result: Once the digitisation is done, the product is loaded into the jig as the image below shows. Many embroiderers have large machines with many heads, like this six-headed beast below. And this one has 42! Why Embroider Having a bag embroidered is not normally out of necessity – more aesthetical preference. Certain types of bag that look better with embroidery too depending on the material. Embroidery offers a more upmarket style of branding than printing. On more expensive items, it often increases the perceived value, so as a corporate gift, or as a sales tool, embroidered promotional bags add an extra touch of class. And it’s quite a durable branding option too. Because the colour is in the thread, there is no ink involved, which means that fading over time due to washing and sun exposure never becomes an issue. Another real benefit is

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bag screen printing

To screen or not to screen, Print is the question?

To screen or not to screen, Print is the question? Posted on February 22, 2016 at 2:30 PM Throughout the Bags of Ideas website we make references to many types of printing for your promotional bags, but chances are, not everyone knows what the difference is, or what is best for them. Now your questions have been answered – below is the definitive Bags of Ideas guide to printing techniques that we offer, and when they are best. Go on, have a read – we have even thrown in some videos to make things more exciting! Screen Printing Screen-printing is the most common method of branding within the promotional industry. It’s a great method that started out as a manual process, but now, in many factories, its completely automated, which makes it even more efficient, and means we can deliver your orders quickly. The Method As with all printing, we start off with a logo – this is always better if it is a vectored file (means we can adjust the size without pixilation). This is loaded into the relevant software – and is printed onto what are called transparencies. Next the screen is coated in an emulsion on both sides; the logo is applied, and then placed under a halogen light. The heat of the halogen hardens the emulsion, and burns the logo.   The screen is then washed to reveal the logo – this part of the film has become thin enough to allow the ink to pass through. Now you are good to go – the screens are placed in the machine, colours mixed, and the printing can begin. The logo is printed by using a squeegee; this runs along the screen, pushing the ink through then onto the bag underneath. If there were a large number of bags to print, we may opt to create more than one screen, and use more than one printing head in order to speed up the process. Depending on the factory, we could have five or ten printing heads running at any one time. Also, if the logo has more than one colour additional screens are required as they only allow for single colour use. After each colour is printed the bags would then be dried, before being packed. Below, the video goes a little further into the details of the stages. Why Screen Screen-printing should be the first port of call for branding – it’s a tried and tested method, which gives a long lasting, clean and professional result. It lends its self better to spot colour printing, as opposed to logos with gradients – though they can be achieved, there are other methods better suited. Screen-printing is also the most cost effective method of printing, even if a large number of colours are required. Also, in some cases (always worth checking) the printers will keep the screens, so repeat orders will come at a reduced rate, and you can be guaranteed the same logo as before (size and placement). Screen print also allows you to do large prints – the whole side of a bag, without an increase in cost. Generally speaking a screen is around 30x30cm – and any size logo within that area will be the same price. Some other methods of printing use such a vast amount of ink, that a small increase in logo size will push up the price – this is not the case with screen-printing. Screen printing automation has also come a long way, and now with machines like the below, you can brand irregularly shaped products fast: Finally screen printing offers the best colour match when trying to achieve a dedicated pantone, unlike a CMYK print, which maybe be close, but cannot guarantee it. One downside to Screen printing, is that for small runs of items it can be a costly method, due to the set up charges involved. But, this would only be for the first order – as once the screens have been made, they can be re-used for exact repeats. The comparatively large screen charges also means pre-production samples (PPS) will be costly – though most companies will deduct the cost from the bulk if you proceed. As a rule of thumb, factories will maintain the screens for between 6 months and 1 year, after which they may be recycled. It’s always worth finding this out, and also the screen policy – sometimes repeat orders will have half price screens, other times they are free, and in some cases, but less frequently, factories do not save them at all, so the charges will apply every time. Recommended Products For Screen Printing: Transfer Printing Transfer printing is another popular method for promotional bags. As the name would suggest, the logo is essentially a sticker that reacts to heat in order to seal the transfer to a surface. The Method As it stands (as far as I am aware), the method for transfer printing has been the same for a very long time – though there are now some presses are automated. A logo (or design) is required, as with all of the methods I will discuss (you can’t print without a logo). But for this method, the logo is printed early on, and later applied to a bag. Look below; a mid sized industrial printer, which will print the desired amount of logos on to vinyl sheets, and cut around the design, where required (this can be programmed). Most of the time, the logos will be printed as if they have been flipped- so when they are applied to the product they end up the correct way. In order to get that logo or design onto the bag it should be placed in the heat press, and lined up. Markers should be made to ensure all products are printed in the same place. The logo should be lined up, the heat press set to the correct temperature and a sheets of greaseproof paper (or similar)

To screen or not to screen, Print is the question? Read More »

PP, what is it good for?

PP, what is it good for?

PP, what is it good for? Absolutely everything Posted on February 10, 2016 at 2:30 PM Two questions that keep coming up are: just what is PP? And what’s the difference between woven and non-woven PP? There’s a third question which necessarily follows: Which is best for me? It’s such a common question, it made me wonder if there wasn’t a straightforward answer already out there, and I couldn’t find one either. So, the aim of this blog is to answer these questions, in simple terms, and help you find the bag you need. Let’s start at the beginning. PP – what is it? PP – or polypropylene – is a thermoplastic. In Layman’s terms, that’s a plastic which comes in many forms from resins to pellets and which, when heated and set, takes on the properties of a solid plastic, hardening as it cools. Best of all, this process can be repeated again and again, making it recyclable and re-usable. Many Uses PP is one of the most versatile plastics known to man, and can be found in everything from carpets and cars, to plates and planes. It can take many forms, from completely solid – like a garden chair, to fibrous, like the back of carpets – or bags. PP has some great properties that make it especially good for promotional products. Firstly, it doesn’t absorb water (unlike nylon or polyester which makes it really good for the likes of school bags, shopping bags, cooler bags or beach bags, where water resistance is an important feature. It’s also a brilliant insulator – which is why you’ll find products like flasks and cool bags made out of PP. Its characteristics allow temperatures to remain constant for longer – keeping cold things cold and hot things hot. PP is also very cost effective. In terms of bags, it comes in two forms, and though there is a price difference between them, both are affordable when compared with other materials including polyester. So and Woven and Non-woven. What’s the difference? The names are self-explanatory. One is made from woven PP fibres, and the other isn’t. More specifically, woven PP is composed of fibers woven together in sheets, aligned at 90 degrees to each other, with the fibers going over and under one another, as shown in the image above. Non-woven is made in special heated presses under pressure, to create a sealed sheet. Both materials are strong but woven PP is the strongest. The videos below show how sheets of non-woven PP and how woven sheets are made. The time involved to make a woven bag makes them more expensive than non-woven, but and both are very cost-effective when compared to rival materials. Shopping Around Non-woven is better at keeping the water out, as it is a solid sheet of material, whereas woven bags can let water through the weave. An alternative here is a laminated woven bag, which will add the level of protection required, while retaining the positive features of woven PP; this is always something to check when ordering a woven bag as to whether it is laminated or not. For promotional materials, both materials lend themselves towards shopping bags – with the woven type being more suited for big loads, such as bottle bags or even sand and building materials. Below are some prime examples of woven and non-woven PP bags. In general, however, non-woven PP tends to have more uses in the promotional market. It can be manufactured much more efficiently, and cost effectively, increasing its appeal as a material. And Now in Colour For example, from stock (i.e. off the shelf) you can find all of the following made from non-woven PP: beach bags, cooler bags, dress/suit bags, messenger bags, aprons, rucksacks & backpacks and even car windscreen shades. Also, the manufacturing methods allow easy dying of the material, therefore not only do you find a large product range, but an extensive colour range too – take a look at this non-woven shopper bag and the standard colours it is available in. With woven bags, off-the-shelf choice is limited – in many cases a woven bag would be custom-made, so it’s worth bearing in mind the extended lead times; from scratch, delivery time could take anything from 6-12 weeks after approval of artwork. To find out more about custom bags, have a look at our Bespoke Bag Page. One feature of both woven and non-woven bags is that the surface has texture. From an aesthetic viewpoint it gives the bags a unique look, which looks especially nice with the bright colours, however, for some there is an issue with print clarity. If your artwork is intricate with a lot of detail, it’s worth checking with en expert to see if the print will work. If it’s too detailed you may want to opt for a bag with a smooth finish, like light cotton, or polyester. But it is still possible to get a great finish with a detailed picture, so don’t write off PP just yet: At Bags of Ideas we believe PP bags are a great option, with an attractive price point, durability and great versatility. Even the printing limitations are actually not that limiting. But don’t take our word for it – try a PP bag yourself!

PP, what is it good for? Read More »


Bag yourself some brand-awareness!

Bag yourself some brand-awareness! Posted on January 25, 2016 at 11:30 AM Promotional products are everywhere!! I bet there’s one on your desk right now plastered with a logo, be it an old classic like a mug, or an eco solar power bank for keeping your smart-phone alive. Promotional products have been used for years in the UK – but why? Why do companies spend hundreds of thousands every year on printed merchandise, giveaways, goodies, stocking fillers, what ever you call them? Hopefully I can shed some light on this, and show you the benefits of promo items. More importantly I’d like to show you why the humble bag is the best – and in many cases the essential – promotional item for any campaign. Rather than bore you with the long and illustrious history of promotional items, I’m going to go straight into the benefits they can provide, and offer some tips on choosing the right products. Before we do, first consider the alternative; unbranded giveaways. Do you think a product with no logo would make a lasting impression – do you think you would remember who gave if to you a month down the line? Even a week down the line? Selling point no.1: Brand awareness The term is self-explanatory – how aware the consumer is of you. A great example, though an extreme example of strong brand awareness is Sellotape – a brand is so stuck in our minds (excuse the pun) that we call sticky tape by the brand name (brainwashed?). What about Post-it Note (Sticky Note), Hoover (Vacuum), Fridge (Frigidaire), Portakabin (portable building) and Coke (Cola) ? Even the word tabloid, used to be a brand name! Promotional merchandise is great for brand awareness, and branded items can be distributed in many ways in order to get your logo in front of potential and existing customers. It also sends the right signals – to be seen to be spending on merchandise suggests you are a stable organisation, in a strong financial position. On top of this, once your brand is printed on the product, and in the hands of the lucky receiver, there are many future opportunities to make an impression. It could be that this one individual is subject to continual awareness (a pen). Or – if you choose your product wisely – the product will travel (a bag), meaning that your brand could one day be on the tube, the next day on the beach. Each time it is seen by more and more people, the cost for that advert reduces. In simple terms, promotional products, if chosen correctly (high quality and useful), can offer long lasting, cost-effective advertising. Selling point no.2: Staying Power Choosing a product that will not only travel but also last is important. The right promo can offer great longevity as a marketing tool, especially compared with alternatives. Let’s consider a flyer – it arrives in your letter box, you may read it, then it goes in the bin, It doesn’t get pinned up on the wall, or put in the photo album. Now consider a promotional bag – it has a use. It may be used for trips to the gym – and with the advent of the 5p plastic bag tax – to the supermarket. If you’ve supplied a good quality this will continue day after day. Every trip to the gym or the shop is adding to the awareness and visibility of your brand. With the introduction of the bag tax in England, the opportunity levels have increased dramatically for bags as a promotional item – making promotional bags a ‘no brainer’. At Bags of Ideas, we believe that the best way to get these benefits using promotional items is through the good old fashioned bag. Bags are the best. They’re useful, purposeful products. They also look great, with many on trend options available. Everywhere you go, someone is holding a bag – why not have your logo on that bag. And bags never run out, like a pen, or a notebook – bags are for life! But don’t just take our word for it – studies prove that there are bag loads of bags out there, making them the most popular promotional item even more than the most popular trusty pen. I think our argument for bags is pretty strong – but even if you decide to give away other items at your next exhibition, surely it’s best those items are in a bag with your logo on!

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The 5p Plastic Bag

The 5p Plastic Bag Charge & How Your Business Can Benefit

The 5p Plastic Bag Charge & How Your Business Can Benefit Posted on October 5, 2015 at 10:30 AM As of October 5th 2015, a 5p charge was introduced on all disposable plastic carrier bags. This means that shoppers across England will be charged to use plastic bags for their purchased goods. For many forward-thinking businesses, this offers a fantastic opportunity to supply their own ‘Bags for Life’ as an alternative to store-bought plastic carrier bags. Read on to find out more about the so-called ‘plastic bag tax’ or skip ahead to find out how to capitalise on the government’s 5p carrier bag fee. The 5p Carrier Bag Charge Explained The 5p plastic carrier bag charge is intended to reduce the use of single-use plastic carrier bags in England, and the damage they cause to the environment when littered in our towns and countryside. According to research, in 2014, 7.6 billion plastic carrier bags were given to customers by major supermarkets across the country. That’s equivalent to 61,000 tonnes of waste that takes far too many years to degrade! Strictly speaking only larger retailers are lawfully bound to levy the 5p charge, however smaller businesses can charge for carrier bags on a voluntary basis. Research suggests that the vast majority of independent retailers will follow suit, with corner shops already set to cash in alongside the high street supermarkets. Despite being dubbed the plastic bag tax, the 5p charge is not a tax at all; the money charged following the change in legislation does not end up in the government’s pocket. All proceeds from the sale of plastic carrier bags is collected by the retailer, who are being encouraged to use the proceeds for good causes. Every year the government will publish a report on how much is made from bag charges and what is donated by each retailer. There are a few exemptions from the 5p bag charge. These include: Paper Bags Plastic carrier bags from shops in airports, on board trains, ships or aeroplanes Bags containing certain items such as raw meat, fish, unwrapped food, prescription medicines, seeds, bulbs, flowers or live fish. Bags used to giveaway promotional material Woven plastic bags Returnable, reusable bags (‘bags for life’) How Can Your Business Benefit? Experts predict the 5p charge will see plastic bag consumption fall by 80% – the equivalent of 6.4 billion bags. In light of this, the number of people purchasing reusable ‘bags for life’ is expected to increase. Never before has there been such a high likelihood that promotional bags will be used with reliable frequency, so it’s a fantastic time to supply your own ‘bags for life’ to meet this new demand. Above all, the increased use of reusable bags will bring a greater return on investment for your business. Bags for life provide a valuable, cost-effective branding platform for generating awareness and helping your business to stand out from the competition. The 5p charge will boost the practical lifespan of reusable bags, which will directly impact the longevity and effectiveness of your promotional bag marketing campaign. Even consumers not actively seeking to purchase bags for life will welcome a branded bag that is far more cost-effective than a 5p plastic bag. Tradeshows, events and conferences are a perfect opportunity to give out promotional reusable bags to reach a wide audience of potential customers. How to Make Sure Consumers Use Your Bag At Bags of Ideas we have years of experience in supplying branded promotional bags for a range of businesses. We know just how important an innovative, eye-catching design is for making the right impact and maximising brand awareness. To help you design the perfect promotional bag for your business, follow these two simple tips: 1 Carefully consider the type of bag your consumers will benefit from the most. Strong, gusseted bags are best for supermarket shopping, whilst smaller cotton bags are ideal for day-to-day use because they can be rolled up and tucked into a pocket. 2 Don’t simply brand with your logo, cover your bag with bright, attractive designs that will appeal to your customers and stand out from competition. Go the extra mile by using clever, on-trend or amusing bag designs that people are going to want to use time and time again.   See below for recommended promotional bags for your business. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more about our services and how to design your perfect bag.   Promotional Shopping Bags Here’s a small selection of our promotional shopping bags.

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trade show empty

10 Steps to trade show sucess

Exhibitor Tips for a Successful Trade Show Posted on July 20, 2015 at 03:00 PM Trade show marketing is traditionally one of the most effective ways a business can promote their products and services and maximise brand visibility and credibility. It’s also one of the most costly and time consuming marketing practices, but get your strategy right and you could see an impressive return on investment. Expand your customer base With the right strategy, trade shows provide an excellent opportunity to generate highly targeted sales leads and expand your customer base. Utilising marketing tactics such as promotional bag giveaways and a well-designed booth can leave a lasting impression with prospective customers. Reconnect with existing customers Trade shows also allow you to strengthen relationships with your current customers. Inviting them to come to your trade show exhibit means you can introduce them to new products and services that will encourage further engagement and brand loyalty. Strengthen your brand The publicity and exposure offered by trade shows is highly valuable for building brand awareness. Whether you’re a new business looking to get your name out there or an established company looking to expand your customer base, trade shows allow you to get your brand noticed – and remembered – by your target market. Review the competition Another benefit of trade shows is that you can review your competition and learn which direction the industry is heading in. Knowing what companies are doing well or poorly, and what is trending in the field can be useful for honing and developing your marketing strategy. Our Trade Show Exhibitor Tips Infographic Planning a trade show marketing strategy can be daunting, especially if you are new to exhibiting at these types of events. With extensive trade show experience, here at Bags of Idea we know exactly what it takes to ensure your exhibit is successful and generates valuable sales leads. To help you out, we have designed a handy trade show infographic with a step by step guide on what exhibitors should do before, during and after a trade show to maximise ROI. Functionality in Focus Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Personalised shopper bags make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. In an era marked by heightened environmental awareness, these bags offer a reusable and eco-friendly alternative to disposable plastic bags. Their durability ensures they can be used repeatedly, reducing the reliance on single-use plastic bags and mitigating associated environmental impacts. Cost-Efficient Choice: While personalised bags may entail a slightly higher initial cost compared to their single-use counterparts, they prove to be cost-effective in the long run. Numerous retailers and supermarkets extend discounts to customers who opt for reusable bags, making them an economically prudent choice over time. Tailored for Versatility: These bags come in various sizes and designs, rendering them suitable for a wide array of purposes. Whether you require a robust grocery bag, a capacious beach tote, or a compact daily companion, you have the flexibility to customise your shopper bag to cater to your specific needs. Want to share this infographic on your site? Simply copy the embed code below. <a href=”” title=”10 Steps to Trade Show Success Infographic”><img src=”” alt=”10 Steps to Trade Show Success Infographic”/><br/> Bags of Ideas – The Promotional Bag Specialists</a>

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Body Power Expo

Exhibitor Tips for a Successful Trade Show

Exhibitor Tips for a Successful Trade Show Posted on July 20, 2015 at 3:00 PM Retail Exhibitions Retail Business Technology Expo 2015 The Retail Business Technology Expo (RBTE) is the well established, must-attend event for everyone involved in retail. It provides retailers with the best tools, advice and inspiration to improve their retail performance and is attended by an exhaustive number of professionals and exhibitors. Topics covered include big data, stock management, click & collect and much more. The last RBTE attracted over 8,500 attendees making it the most successful to date. 2015’s show is set to be the biggest yet with 450+ exhibitors and 150+ conference sessions giving in depth insight into every aspect of retail technology and best practice and also customer experience. The show runs from the 10th – 11th of March at Olympia in London. The best bag: Bongo Canvas Shopper Bag This, combined with durable handles, makes it ideal for carrying around lots of giveaways that you’re likely to receive at any retail expo. The best bag: Travelight Holdall The Travel Show 2015 is the UK’s biggest free travel show and takes place in the Business Design Centre in London. It features everything you need to plan and book your next holiday as well as exclusive deals and travel seminars. All the big names in the travel industry are present and available to give advice. The show is aimed at the 18 – 39 market and features exclusive offers of up to 50% off trips to locations all over the globe. There is an exhibitor for everything meaning you can easily book a full travel itinerary regardless of your budget. The show is on the 1st of March 2015 and will even feature recruiters looking for bright minds to join some of the biggest travel companies around! The Travelight Holdall is the ideal light travel bag. Ideal for weekends away, or busy exhibitions, the bag has one main compartment and one pocket. Fitness Exhibitions BodyPower Expo The BodyPower Expo is the fastest growing consumer fitness exhibition in Europe that attracts tens of thousands of enthusiasts to the Birmingham NEC. The exhibition features hundreds of fitness experts from around the world and covers the full spectrum of fitness and sports related products and services. Not only does the BodyPower Expo feature the latest fitness techniques and products it also focuses on encouraging and supporting those who are currently getting or keeping fit. It does so with ideas such as the Transformation Challenge that offers prizes to individuals who have undergone big changes on their road to fitness. The BodyPower Expo runs from the 15th – 17th of May 2015 and features representatives from bodybuilding, fitness, combat, strongman and power sports. Image source: The best bag: Sportual Sports Bag The Sportual Sports Bag is an ideal medium sized sports bag for anyone with an active lifestyle. With plenty of storage space and a bottle holder it’s an ideal gym companion and can also be used for storing other sports related promotional items picked up at exhibitions. Technology Exhibitions The Gadget Show LIVE Almost everyone has heard of the Gadget Show. Well, it seems the TV program’s success lends itself well to the exhibition format as the Gadget Show LIVE is one of the largest technology exhibitions in the UK. It features everything from the latest retail tech to the best of British innovation and allows individuals to see, try and buy the latest technology. The Gadget Show LIVE also features many events and such as the Super Theatre where an hour long show will give vistors the chance to see some cutting edge tech tested live. You can also visit the Game Zone to view and test some world exclusives in gaming and enter free to play gaming tournaments. The Gadget Show LIVE will be going on from the 7th – 12th of April 2015 at the NEC, Birmingham. Image source: The best bag: Papa Canvas Laptop Bag The Papa Canvas Laptop Bag is a heavyweight, hard wearing, on-trend laptop bag. It’s perfect as a promotional item for any technology expo where visitors could be bringing their own laptops or purchasing one there. It’s clear then that promotional bags are an extremely versatile and effective addition to any promotional marketing campaign, especially those based around exhibitions. As specialist promotional bag suppliers we can provide you with the perfect solution to any and all of your needs. Contact us today for more information. What also became apparent to him was how vast the range of bags out there is, and how difficult it can be for businesses to find the right bags for their company or promotion amongst the thousands of products available from a range of distributors. Despite this issue in the marketplace, there were virtually no businesses online dedicated to offering a diverse range of promotional bags along with competitive prices, industry expertise and top-class customer service. That’s where Bags of Ideas came in – an online business specialising in promotional bags and nothing else. This business model has allowed us to create a place where consumers can find exactly the bags they need every time. And if our customers don’t know what would work best, our team of experts share their experience to make sure they come away with a product that will be highly effective to them. If that’s not enough, we used our connections to develop a service whereby we can manufacture truly unique bespoke bags for our customers. Just in case our huge range of bags wasn’t enough! MWL was the first chance we had to unveil the Bags of Ideas brand, which had been quietly in development over the months prior. In this prime location, we were finally able to show off what we had to offer and obtain real feedback from exhibition goers. The result? A resounding success! Not only did people like the concept, but they loved the brand, the helpful team and our enthusiasm for our customers and what

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5 Of the UK’s Top Exhibitions

5 Of the UK’s Top Exhibitions

5 Of the UK’s Top Exhibitions (And the Best Bags for Them) Posted on December 14, 2014 at 4:00 PM In 2012 the exhibition industry delivered a total economic impact of £11bn to the UK economy. With the market expected to have grown further since this study there is no doubt that organisers, and consumers, have caught exhibition fever. It’s also clear that the UK exhibition and promotional bag industries are intrinsically linked. After all, when you visit an exhibition you need something to carry all those samples and freebies in. With that in mind we’ve taken a look at 5 of the UK’s top exhibitions and the best bags for each of them, whether you’re exhibiting or visiting. Eco Exhibitions The Eco 2015 Technology Show The Eco 2015 Technology Show is the UK’s biggest exhibition based around a multitude of different environmental subjects including energy management, green builds, transport, technology and resource efficiency. In 2014 140 exhibitors congregated at The Brighton Centre to exhibit and discuss the latest in environmental advancements. Visitors could also choose from 70 keynotes, panels and talks that provided information regarding legislation, funding, incentives and other major discussion points. The show runs for 2 days across the 11th – 12th of June in 2015 and also features a Communication Hub where you can get your eco questions quickly answered by an expert. This show is ideal for both businesses and individuals that are interested in finding out more about, or investing in, many forms of eco technology. The best bag: Bweha Cotton Shopper Bag The Bweha Cotton Shopper bag is an ideal multipurpose shopping bag with real eco credentials. It’s made from fair-trade cotton making it a responsible and ideal choice for any promotional giveaways. Retail Exhibitions Retail Business Technology Expo 2015 The Retail Business Technology Expo (RBTE) is the well established, must-attend event for everyone involved in retail. It provides retailers with the best tools, advice and inspiration to improve their retail performance and is attended by an exhaustive number of professionals and exhibitors. Topics covered include big data, stock management, click & collect and much more. The last RBTE attracted over 8,500 attendees making it the most successful to date. 2015’s show is set to be the biggest yet with 450+ exhibitors and 150+ conference sessions giving in depth insight into every aspect of retail technology and best practice and also customer experience. The show runs from the 10th – 11th of March at Olympia in London. The best bag: Bongo Canvas Shopper Bag This, combined with durable handles, makes it ideal for carrying around lots of giveaways that you’re likely to receive at any retail expo. The best bag: Travelight Holdall The Travel Show 2015 is the UK’s biggest free travel show and takes place in the Business Design Centre in London. It features everything you need to plan and book your next holiday as well as exclusive deals and travel seminars. All the big names in the travel industry are present and available to give advice. The show is aimed at the 18 – 39 market and features exclusive offers of up to 50% off trips to locations all over the globe. There is an exhibitor for everything meaning you can easily book a full travel itinerary regardless of your budget. The show is on the 1st of March 2015 and will even feature recruiters looking for bright minds to join some of the biggest travel companies around! The Travelight Holdall is the ideal light travel bag. Ideal for weekends away, or busy exhibitions, the bag has one main compartment and one pocket. Fitness Exhibitions BodyPower Expo The BodyPower Expo is the fastest growing consumer fitness exhibition in Europe that attracts tens of thousands of enthusiasts to the Birmingham NEC. The exhibition features hundreds of fitness experts from around the world and covers the full spectrum of fitness and sports related products and services. Not only does the BodyPower Expo feature the latest fitness techniques and products it also focuses on encouraging and supporting those who are currently getting or keeping fit. It does so with ideas such as the Transformation Challenge that offers prizes to individuals who have undergone big changes on their road to fitness. The BodyPower Expo runs from the 15th – 17th of May 2015 and features representatives from bodybuilding, fitness, combat, strongman and power sports. Image source:   The best bag: Sportual Sports Bag The Sportual Sports Bag is an ideal medium sized sports bag for anyone with an active lifestyle. With plenty of storage space and a bottle holder it’s an ideal gym companion and can also be used for storing other sports related promotional items picked up at exhibitions. Technology Exhibitions The Gadget Show LIVE Almost everyone has heard of the Gadget Show. Well, it seems the TV program’s success lends itself well to the exhibition format as the Gadget Show LIVE is one of the largest technology exhibitions in the UK. It features everything from the latest retail tech to the best of British innovation and allows individuals to see, try and buy the latest technology. The Gadget Show LIVE also features many events and such as the Super Theatre where an hour long show will give vistors the chance to see some cutting edge tech tested live. You can also visit the Game Zone to view and test some world exclusives in gaming and enter free to play gaming tournaments. The Gadget Show LIVE will be going on from the 7th – 12th of April 2015 at the NEC, Birmingham. The best bag: Papa Canvas Laptop Bag The Papa Canvas Laptop Bag is a heavyweight, hard wearing, on-trend laptop bag. It’s perfect as a promotional item for any technology expo where visitors could be bringing their own laptops or purchasing one there. It’s clear then that promotional bags are an extremely versatile and effective addition to any promotional marketing campaign, especially those based around exhibitions. As specialist promotional bag suppliers we can provide

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Marketing Week Live 2014: Bags of Ideas Launches

Marketing Week Live 2014

Marketing Week Live 2014: Bags of Ideas Launches! Posted on July 11, 2014 at 4:00 PM Marketing Week Live (MWL) is the marketing event of the year in the UK. With thousands of visitors flooding through the doors over the duration of 2 days, it was the perfect event to launch our Bags of Ideas brand. Bags of Ideas is the brainchild of Paul Green, the director of leading promotional merchandise company Galpeg. With years of experience in the industry, Paul noticed that promotional bags were possibly the most effective and widely used product in the industry. What also became apparent to him was how vast the range of bags out there is, and how difficult it can be for businesses to find the right bags for their company or promotion amongst the thousands of products available from a range of distributors. Despite this issue in the marketplace, there were virtually no businesses online dedicated to offering a diverse range of promotional bags along with competitive prices, industry expertise and top-class customer service. That’s where Bags of Ideas came in – an online business specialising in promotional bags and nothing else. This business model has allowed us to create a place where consumers can find exactly the bags they need every time. And if our customers don’t know what would work best, our team of experts share their experience to make sure they come away with a product that will be highly effective to them. If that’s not enough, we used our connections to develop a service whereby we can manufacture truly unique bespoke bags for our customers. Just in case our huge range of bags wasn’t enough! MWL was the first chance we had to unveil the Bags of Ideas brand, which had been quietly in development over the months prior. In this prime location, we were finally able to show off what we had to offer and obtain real feedback from exhibition goers. The result? A resounding success! Not only did people like the concept, but they loved the brand, the helpful team and our enthusiasm for our customers and what we do. In online terms, Bags of Ideas is still in its infancy. But with an ever growing range of products and some of the best prices and turnaround times on the web, Bags of Ideas could soon be the only site you require for all your promotional bag needs. Can’t find the bag you’re looking for? Try our Bag Finder and narrow your search in minutes! TRY BAG FINDER

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kit bags

Personalised Kit Bags for Winning Sports Teams

Personalised Kit Bags for Winning Sports Teams Posted on January 10, 2014 at 12:00 PM Picture the scene. It’s a frosty Sunday morning and you’ve just stepped off the coach, the crowd cheers you as you head to the changing room, ready to win the cup. Of course, on the pitch or track you all look the part, your team’s logo emblazoned on your kit. What about off it though? When you left that coach did your kit bags represent your team’s uniformity, camaraderie and professionalism? Or did you look like a rag tag bunch of part time sportsmen or women? Of course, ability and results say more about your team than anything else. However, off the pitch image can have a huge impact on how your team is viewed by supporters and competitors alike. Uniformity in kit, including personalised sports bags, carries connotations of professionalism and competence that can then be backed up in competition. However, it’s not just about how seriously others take you. Sharing a uniform, on and off the pitch, reinforces a sense of community and improves team cohesion. When you’re all on the same page, consciously and subconsciously, you have that competitive edge. The Promotional Power of Personalised Sports Bags Personalised kit bags for sports teams also assist in team and personal branding. In the information age, when the internet puts encyclopaedic knowledge and a previously unheard of ability to discover in people’s palms, can you afford to go unnoticed? When trying to increase your team’s exposure the power of branded merchandise is formidable. How great would it be to be able to display your team’s logo to a train full of bored commuters? What if one of them has a passion for supporting grass roots sports teams? Conversations can be started and opportunities opened up thanks to personalised sports bags. Take it to the next level and initial your bag for added personal exposure. For more information about the promotional power of printed sports bags follow the link. All Aligned Under One Banner Personalised sports bags are also a fantastic extension of your team and the pride you feel for it. There’s nothing quite like putting on your kit as you prepare to step out and compete at your best. Well, how about feeling a fraction of that every time pick up your kit bag? Whether that’s pre-competition or when you’re heading for a weekend away. There’s something special in being able to show your commitment to your team even when you’re not competing. Ultimately, a fully uniform approach to team branding is one part of the magic formula that makes your team the most professional, talented and respected in its field. That’s part of the point though. It’s all about doing everything you can to give you that step up, that extra edge over your competitors, that one thing that means you finish the day winners rather than losers. When it comes to personalised sport bags you want form and functionality. We’re talking rugged design, plenty of storage space and clean, high quality branding space. You can find all that and more in our promotional sports bags section.

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